These photos were taken on September 14, 2012. I did a little photo shoot in my friend's backyard. To show just how much something can change over a year, I can no longer stand the person who took these photos. I realized how much I can change in one year, I have a new look, a new hairstyle, and a new outlook on life. I used to think I was the stereotypical fashionisto, and I was a hopeless romantic.
These photos below were taken September 14, 2013. Exactly one year from the first two images. These were taken at the local mall by my closest friend. She is the most loyal and amazing friend anyone could ask for. She's crazy artistic, a full hipster. I feel so much better this year, my fashion tastes are more edgy. I adore the idea of dark symbolism and high fashion, in designers like Alexander McQueen and Ann Demeuleester. My hair use to be parted and slick, with way too much gel, because I was self-conscious about my curls. Now, I embrace it. Stacking my bangs up and cutting the sides of them. I ditched the "hipster glasses" because I wore them as a mask, to hide who I truly was. I used to be a hopeless romantic, but now I no longer care about a special other person, instead fueling that energy into my close friends. I'm smarter and constantly grateful for my life.

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